Attempts Against My Life

Jan 18, 2017  There have been numerous attempts against my life over the last several years. The number I’m told is very high, much higher than I considered. Sometimes you can get bogged down in details in discussions of this for example: If six teams of hit men are sent each with two people in a team is that A) One attempt on your life,   B) Six attempts on your life,   C) Twelve attempts on your life or D) None of the above. The answer… I don’t know but there have been at least a couple of these.

“Cmon doc…why don’t you say something we can arrest you for?!!!” Overheard in the etheric.

“It all checked out…there are no leaks.”

“How does he do that?


17 or 18 people had to sign off on the attempt on my life in Times Square NYC around XMAS a few years ago. I guess it made it all Kosher. I’ll detail this later.

I’ll talk about the Japanese hitmen I encountered in Columbus and then Cape May. I saw them a third time in Berlin as well I just recall. The kill order didn’t go through any time. I know that because we’re all still walking and I knew the woman in Columbus (she wasn’t actually there or from the area) who could have given the order and chose not to. That was good because everyone got to go home. The hit men were real unhappy when I pointed them out in Cape May. I’ll give you a clue. They were set up in both places selling Bonsai Trees…no kidding…Bonsai Trees…and they are really plucking dangerous, the men not the Bonsai Trees. One guy sells the trees the other pretends to buy them. The problem is they’re out of place at an art festival or flea market, there are no other Japanese around, though there may be Chinese, and how do the only two Japonese wind up at the same place together. The seller of the trees holds the knives used for the kill until the target is made then hands them over to the killer who makes the kill. He attempts to gets the knives back after the kill to the seller but if he can’t there is a third person somewhere else to receive them, as a last resort they’re tossed. In Cape May it appeared they used a Chinese woman in a T-Shirt booth for this purpose. I repeat… this is no joke and they are dangerous but I loved outing them and they hated it. I heard the killer wound up with some sort of electrical burn over his whole body which was pretty bad. He still has trouble talking and eating because the electricity affected the sensitive areas of his mouth, throat and tongue but he is still in action.  If the kill order had gone through it probably would have been much worse. The killer uses long thin knives which he uses in two ways: 1) inserting one into the body and attempting to severe as many major organs and blood vessels as possible before withdrawing and 2) using a rapid fire, left and right, in and out of the knives into the body. With the one knife special there can be almost no external signs of injury with only one small thin hole and virtually all of the bleeding internal. Now, i’m not talking about fighting here with the knives which the killer is also trained to do…this is just for the assassination attempts. The main killer was also trained to do rope bondage and torture both of which he did professionally such as to extract information and also for sexual/sadistic pleasure. The man enjoys what he does and is good with it.

FYI…these Japanese are not independent contractors. They are govt agents of Japan on loan here…

January 19, 2017

And now a word from the people who are pursuing me… (grabbing coffee) …

“Can someone explain to me how this guy is still breathing?”

More irate…”Can someone explain to me how this guy is still breathing?”

Still worse… “Can someone explain to me how this fucking guy is still breathing?”


Oh oh…I think he heard us…

run the check

hello boys…I’m back!!!

it’s just magic… nothing more…

now don’t piss me off or I’ll put you all outside in the cold in your underwear

did you miss the part about not pissing me off?

ebstein barr out!