
Remember our Motto:   “It only gets worse!”

I suggest you turn around now… if you go further there is often no turning back. Most of the people I’ve told to turn around and leave have not but they were warned and they should have listened.

If you want to see who Hitler and the Nazis are skip to episode 6. Hitlers in 9 or 10;

In order to whet your appetite for the videos to come I’ve put up first: “The Reviews of My Work Are In.” Watch this first, then go home, and urinate blood because that’s what you’ll be doing by the time we’re done…remember…it only gets worse. There won’t be much funny after this… so enjoy!!

The website about Moor Hall Studios where many of the photos were found and used in the videos is:  http://www.angelfire.com/nj/healing/moorhallindex.html.   These videos should ideally be watched in order as there is a learning curve to train your eye/brain to see but if you want to skip ahead and see who Hitler was go ahead but you might not understand it. Much of what’s contained in the videos is difficult to believe (some of the other posts are impossible to believe) but go slowly, take your time, digest and also do your own research. I lay it out as best possible and it will only get worse… I absolutely promise you that.

I did 99% plus of the work in these videos however I was inspired and learned from the great master Ed Chiarini of Wellaware1.com. Go learn from him as well. He’s a brilliant master of facial recognition and conspiracy theories.

Attempts on my life… The number of attempts on my life increased exponentially after I completed part 26 and moved on to a missing persons case sent to me by the FBI. Nobody actually wanted this person found but I found him and this was a grave embarrassment to some of the principals. None of my work on this can readily be found at this time… the same goes for some of the people involved.

part 8 revised corrects the Peter Lorre mistake

this is the original version of part XIX which is correct, the revised edition is incorrect…Mitch

this is the extended version called Moor Hall Studios Part 27 complete has another 12minutes. There is another part 27 which I had forgotten about. I’ll post it in a bit with an explanation.
